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irc.psychz.net Message of the Day - 17/1/2025 5:01 This open IRCnet server is provided by: 8888888b. .d8888b. Y88b d88P .d8888b. 888 888 8888888888P 888 Y88b d88P Y88b Y88b d88P d88P Y88b 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88b. Y88o88P 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 d88P "Y888b. Y888P 888 8888888888 d88P 8888888P" "Y88b. 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 "888 888 888 888 888 888 d88P 888 Y88b d88P 888 Y88b d88P 888 888 d88P 888 "Y8888P" 888 "Y8888P" 888 888 d8888888888 Dedicated / Colocation Solutions / Private Cloud and MORE Website: https://www.psychz.net/ Channel: #psychz irc.psychz.net Open to all users on IPv4/IPv6 ports 6665-6669,7000 SSL/TLS available on ports 6679 and 6697 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ] We scan for open proxies on connect. If you do not wish to be scanned, please do not connect to this server. ] IRCnet provides no nick/channel registration services. ] This server provides SSL/TLS encryption for some of its clients. However end parties you communicate with may or may not also have SSL/TLS enabled. The entire route is unlikely to be encrypted the entire path! ] This server provides EXPERIMENTAL local +z channel flag (&channels only) allowing only SSL/TLS enabled clients to join. ] This server provides EXPERIMENTAL ip cloaks for users. Read more and sign up at https://www.cloak.ircnet.io ] To avoid opless channels, you are encouraged to use the channel reop mode +R (otherwise unfixable). ] Usage of /list for listing all channels is deprecated. Please use "/squery alis help" instead. You can also use http://www.ircnet.info to list and search channels. ] Rules: * We reserve the right to deny service to anyone at any time and for any reason. * Mass advertising/link spam is not allowed. * Clients connected for the purpose of stealing nicks are not allowed. * General limits (request changes via /admin): 3 clients per host (without ident) 3 clients per person (with ident) 20 clients per /24 (IPv4) 10 clients per /48 (IPv6) * If your IP range offers services to other people (e.g., shell providers) you must let us know. * Limits and rules for shell providers: * 3 clients per person * identd is required and no ident spoofing, no changing an ident after a ban, and no giving a person multiple usernames * Breaking these rules will result in a ban from ALL open servers. ] Links: * Server and channel lists: http://www.ircnet.info * Random open server (dns round-robins): - open.ircnet.io All open servers - ssl.ircnet.io With SSL/TLS support - irc.cloak.ircnet.io With cloak support - ssl.cloak.ircnet.io With cloak and SSL/TLS support * Webchat available at: - https://webchat.ircnet.net qwebirc - https://ircnet.chat/ The Lounge ] If you require any further information, join #ircnet ------------------------------------------------------------------ IRC is a privilege, not a right! Respect others and enjoy your stay on IRCnet. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Administrative info about irc.psychz.net US Open Server, Provided by Psychz Networks irc@psychz.net Client Server
rlinks.pl Version 2.11.0 - traces all Servers in a given IRC-Network Copyright 1997-2005 Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe. email: Mario.Holbe@TU-Ilmenau.DE www : http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/~holbe/