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Server information about irc.lut.fi

MOTD of irc.lut.fi

irc.lut.fi Message of the Day - 
1/2/2022 23:03
  _                _  _       _         _        __  _ 
 (_) _ __  ___    (_)| |_    | | _   _ | |_     / _|(_)
 | || '__|/ __|   | || __|   | || | | || __|   | |_ | |
 | || |  | (__  _ | || |_  _ | || |_| || |_  _ |  _|| |
 |_||_|   \___|(_)|_| \__|(_)|_| \__,_| \__|(_)|_|  |_|
 ==Connecting people since long before mobile phones.==

 Following rules apply:
 1) Only local (lut.fi or lnet.fi) bots allowed. No botnets, no war-scripts.
 2) No harassing of other users.
 3) No channel takeover attempts.
 4) Server open for .fi domain.
 5) Server not reachable outside of Finland.
 6) Server operators don't operate channels.
 7) If you break or even bend the rules you will find yourself
    one irc server poorer.

 Just irc it!

ADMIN-istrative information from irc.lut.fi

Administrative info about irc.lut.fi
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland
IRC administration <irc@lut.fi>

Data has been automatically crawled by:
rlinks.pl Version 2.11.0 - traces all Servers in a given IRC-Network

Copyright 1997-2005 Mario 'BitKoenig' Holbe.
email: Mario.Holbe@TU-Ilmenau.DE
www  : http://www.tu-ilmenau.de/~holbe/